From: cmeinel@t... Date: Mon Sep 17, 2001 8:18 am Subject: How to Wage Cyberwar Inside Happy Hacker Sept. 17, 2001 ___________________________________________________________ See the Happy Hacker web site at Firewall or web babysitter program blocks you? Try Still doesn't work? Try entering in the location window of your web browser. Or, try "Lyraprox" from, it defeats firewalls that block us. ----------------------------------------------------------- As you may already know, "Fluffi Bunni" has called for hacker vigilante action against, well, against whatever. NIPC (US National Infrastructure Protection Center) has "already received reports of individuals encouraging vigilante hacking activity. Those individuals who believe they are doing a service to this nation by engaging in acts of vigilantism should know that they are actually doing a disservice to the country," their advisory stated. The Middle Eastern countries the Fluffi Bunni's of the world are attacking are our allies in the struggle against Osama bin Laden. Only the government of Afghanistan supports him. We don't want to interfere with Afghanistan communications because we even have allies within that country. Us folks at Happy hacker wish to thank those hackers who have helped quiet down over-eager volunteers. Responding to the attacks on America is an extremely delicate operation. If you want to play a role in defending us in time of cyberwar, here are some concrete steps you can take. First, President Bush will let you know if he needs hacker vigilantes to help. Right now he does NOT WANT VIGILANTE HELP. He probably NEVER will want vigilante help. The kind of baloney that went on with the US/China hacker war of April-May 2001 was an unfortunate holdover from Clinton Administration policies. Any day now the Oct. 2001 issue of Scientific American will be available on the newsstands with Carolyn Meinel's analysis of this unfortunate fubar of foreign policy. Here's how you can become a cyberwarrior in the US. (If you live outside the US, your country may have similar opportunities for you.) 1. Be sure to defend your own computers, especially against agents of cyberwarfare, and report suspicious attacks. See for keystroke-by-keystroke details with screen shots of how to fight back when computer criminals or cyberterrorists strike. If you spot a suspected cyberattack, you should report it to the Computer Emergency Response Team for your country. Contact information for these teams is at Within the US, contact 2. Get a college education. The military normally entrusts operations of the level of sensitivity posed by cyberwar only to commissioned officers. To become a commissioned officer, instead of an enlisted person, a college degree is crucial. 3. To become an officer, a good opportunity for high school kids is to enroll in a high school ROTC (Reserve Officers' Training Corps) program. Details on Air Force high school programs are at, (334) 953-7513. If a high school program is not available, be sure to attend a college or University with ROTC. Your BEST OPPORTUNITY is to get an appointment to attend one of the Academies for the armed forces. 4. The best service to join for cyberwarfare is the US Air Force All Air Force officer-training opportunities can be viewed at The Air Force Academy is located in Colorado Springs, CO, which is also headquarters for Space Command. 5. The US Air Force Space Command is in charge of waging cyberwar. All the US armed services have cyberwar units, however they will coordinate through Space Command. ___________________________________________________________________ This is a list devoted to *legal* hacking! If anyone plans to use any information in this Digest or at our Web site to commit crime, go away! We like to put computer criminals behind bars where they belong! Unix editor Mike Miller unixeditor@t...; Windows editor Greggory Peck wineditor@t... Clown Princess: Carolyn Meinel cmeinel@t... Happy Hacker, Inc. is part of a 501 (c) (3) tax deductible organization ___________________________________________________________________